Importance Of Home Electrical Safety Inspection

All electrical installations/wiring will deteriorate with age and use. However, most home owners often overlook the wiring condition. At the most, an electrical safety inspection will only be called when a breaker has already been tripped or a fuse has already been blown.

All electrical installations/wiring will deteriorate with age and use. However, most home owners often overlook the wiring condition. At the most, an electrical safety inspection will only be called when a breaker has already been tripped or a fuse has already been blown. It is not surprising that an electrical fault is a common cause for house fires.

Having your electrical wiring inspected is one of the most important things to keep your home safe from electrical hazards. You don’t want to risk the lives of your loved ones, nor getting your property damaged due to electrical fires. Therefore, electrical safety should be a top priority in your home.

A proper electrical safety inspection will:

  • Identify electrical wiring and components that may have degraded over time.
  • Reveal if any electrical circuits are overloaded.
  • Reveal if any lack of earthing.
  • Identify any defective wiring or other mistakes made by non-certified electricians or DIY home-owners.
  • Spot oversized fuses or breakers that may cause an electrical fire hazard.
  • Find any potential electric shock risks.

5 Signs You Need To Upgrade Your Electrical Panel

Are you facing lots of electrical issues in your home? Do electricians repairing these issues recommend you upgrade your electrical panel? Perhaps, you are facing this situation, or you have seen it in other homes. Electrical panel issues are usually seen in homes where the electrical panel is older and has not been upgraded. 

The electrical panel is usually set up just after the start of construction on a home. The electrical panel accepts the main power and then distributes it to a different part of your home.

Signs That You Need To Upgrade Your Electrical Panel:

1. Circuit Breakers Frequently Trip

2. Evidence Of Electrical Fires

3. Breakers Are Unable To Remain Reset

4. Old Or Damaged Wiring

5. You Only Have Fuses And Not Circuit Breakers